Legislation Modernization:
It’s Time to Act
The New Brunswick Real Estate Association has undertaken one of the most ambitious projects in our history: the modernization of our act, the Act to Incorporate the New Brunswick Real Estate Association. We are seeking YOUR opinions on our working draft – a living document that will continue to evolve.
Click on the “DRAFT ACT” button in the menu bar above to read the full draft of the proposed New Brunswick Real Estate Association Act.
What have our Members Told Us?
The real estate profession in New Brunswick is operating under an Act written in 1994. A lot has changed since then, particularly our ongoing evolution from an industry to a profession.
NBREA co-regulates the profession in partnership with the Province of New Brunswick’s Financial and Consumer Services Division. As a self-regulator, protecting the public is our most important task. It’s also in our profession’s best interest: when we do it well with proper, modern tools, REALTORS® inspire trust and respect. If we do it poorly, trust and respect in our members is lost and our profession may entirely lose our right to self-regulate.
Over the last year and with guidance by legal counsel, NBREA has researched best practices across other self-regulated professions and drafted a series of recommendations based on this research. Although an updated Act needs to happen quickly, it’s more important that it be done correctly. NBREA is taking a thorough, transparent, step-by-step approach in sharing the work as it evolves, and inviting input along every step of the way.
Click here to read a letter to the membership from NBREA President Ryan Davison.
The Little Blue House, NBREA’s official podcast, tackles topics of relevance to REALTORS® and the real estate market in New Brunswick. Check out this episode on our plans to modernize our Act.